Certified Health and Life Coach –Health Coach Institute (ICF Accredited)
Certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher–KRI Certified
Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis Certification
Reiki I II practitioner
Who I Work With
I work with women who want to create empowering change across key areas in life by getting to the root cause. I am here to help you use your full potential to manifest anything you desire. See what it would be like to invest in yourself and transform into something magnetic!
About Me
When I was growing up, I lived through childhood trauma with a parent who was severely mentally ill in my household. Living this way for years caused me to have extreme trust issues in all relationships, and I invited chaos into most aspects of my life. I lived with the limiting beliefs, that I wasn't good enough, and that I didn't deserve the things that others were creating for themselves. These beliefs caused me to make decisions that weren't in my best interest. I lived in constant fear, regret, and resentment towards others. I can't tell you how many times I jumped into the fire and got burned! I kept repeating the same patterns over and over, expecting different results. These were the life lessons that got me to where I am today. My awakening started with my awareness around judgment towards others and then with myself. I found a spiritual platform in Kundalini yoga and meditation that led me to more life awareness of self-love, compassion, and forgiveness towards myself and those around me. Spirituality wasn’t enough for me, I also had to do the hard work of revisting my childhood, reprogramming limiting beliefs, and taking a close look at aspects about my myself that I had rejected over the years. I now have beautiful tools to keep me centered and calm when low self-worth, doubt, and fear sets in. I would love to show you how you can embark on a healing journey without judgement toward yourself only curiosity in how you can really experience life.