Embracing Your Shadow
Our shadow self is the dark part of ourselves that we express through projection and judgment. These judgments are beliefs that we picked up in our childhood or environment, whether they were positive or negative experiences. These beliefs about ourselves and others are the projections we use to protect ourselves from the world. Most of us aren’t even aware of these self-sabotaging beliefs because they are part of our subconscious patterns. Part of being able to put these judgments aside is to own the parts of yourself that you’ve hidden, denied or have given away to others. Becoming aware of how your judgment towards others, is just an aspect that you haven’t accepted within yourself. For example; hating someone because they are rich, usually means that you some limiting belief about money. Maybe you think you don’t deserve it or you think rich people are evil. Embracing this limiting belief and owning it is the first step in reprogramming this limiting belief. If you believe that you deserve to have money, you will have money!
Changing the stories that we have told ourselves that have protected us from the rejections of life can create compassion for ourselves and others. Finding where we judge others can help us locate these hidden personalities of unprocessed emotion, thoughts, and trauma that are only suppressed energies. Staying open and curious as to what makes you uncomfortable will open awareness and start the healing process towards these denied aspects. Ask yourself, “Does this belief empower me?”
“We all tell ourselves stories in order to live.”